Matthew 24:1-22. Prediction of the Fall of Jerusalem

Mark 13:1 end. Luke 21:5-36

This chapter opens with the great discourse of Jesus, which is continued to the end of ch. 25. That discourse contains (1) a prediction of the fall of Jerusalem, (2) a prediction of the end of the world, (3) Parables in relation to these predictions.

It is difficult to determine the limits of the several portions. The division adopted below has the sanction of Chrysostom and Jerome, and is followed by Maldonatus.

Another arrangement of the prophecy is: (1) A general answer of the question to the end of Matthew 24:14; (2) a specific reference to the fall of Jerusalem, 15 28; (3) in Matthew 24:29 a resumption of the subject of (i).

The view that the two predictions are inextricably intermingled seems the least probable.

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