Matthew 3:1-12

Matthew 3:1-12. John Baptist preaches in the Wilderness of Judæa. Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:1-18; John 1:15-34 St Luke does not name the Pharisees and Sadducees, he gives the particular exhortations to the various classes of people who came to hear John. In the fourth Gospel the Baptist's disclaimer of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:1

_In those days_ See Luke 3:1, where the time is defined. _came_ Rather, COMETH. The same word and the same tense as in Matthew 3:13. _John the Baptist_ So named by the other Synoptists and by Josephus: in the fourth gospel he is called simply John, a note of the authenticity of St John's gospel. J... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:2

_Repent ye_ The original implies more than "feel sorrow or regret for sin," it is rather "change the life, the heart, the _motive_for action." It was a call to self-examination and reality of life. _the kingdom of heaven_ St Matthew alone uses this expression, but he also employs the equivalent phr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:3

_by_ See note on ch. Matthew 2:5. _by the prophet Esaias_ The reference in Isaiah 40:3 is to the promised return from Babylon. A herald shall proclaim the joyous news on mountains and in the desert through which the return should be. This incident in the national history is transferred to the more... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:4

_the same John_ Translate, "John himself." _raiment of camel's hair_ A kind of tunic or shirt coarsely woven of camel's hair, "one of the most admirable materials for clothing, it keeps out the heat, cold and rain." _Recovery of Jerusalem_, p. 445. _his meat was locusts and wild honey_ Thomson, _L... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:6

_baptized_ John introduced no new custom, for ceremonial ablution or baptism was practised in all ancient religions. Among the Jews proselytes were baptized on admission to the Mosaic covenant. John's baptism was the outward sign of the purification and "life-giving change," and contained the promis... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:7

_Pharisees_ The name signifies "Separatists;" the party dates from the revival of the National life, and observances of the Mosaic Law under the Maccabees. Their ruling principle was a literal obedience to the written law and to an unwritten tradition. Originally they were leaders of a genuine refor... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:9

_think not to say_ i. e. "Do not persuade yourselves to say," "be not so proud as to say." For a similar use of the word see Philippians 3:4, "If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh." _We have Abraham to our father_ Or, - _as_our father." The Jewish doctors taugh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:10

_which bringeth not forth_ Lit. IF IT BRING NOT FORTH. _fruit_ The Oriental values trees only as productive of fruit, all others are cut down as cumberers of the ground. He lays his axe literally at the root. _Land and Book_, p. 341. _the fire_ Rather, FIRE, there is no definite article in the ori... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:11

_unto repentance_ i. e. to be a symbol of the changed life. _whose shoes I am not worthy to bear_ The work of the meanest slaves. John, great prophet as he was, with influence sufficient to make even Herod tremble for his throne, is unworthy to be the meanest slave of the Stronger One the Son of Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:12

_fan_ An instrument by which the corn after being threshed is thrown up against the wind to clear it of chaff. _floor_ Here put for the contents of the threshing-floor, the mingled grain and chaff. St Matthew represents the picturesque side of John's preaching, these verses are full of imagery. Ho... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:13

_Then cometh Jesus … to be baptized of him_ Jesus who is the pattern of the New life submits to the baptism which is a symbol of the New life (_Metanoia_). He who has power to forgive sins seems to seek through baptism forgiveness of sins. But in truth by submitting to baptism Jesus shows the true e... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:13-17

Jesus comes to be baptized of John. Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34 St Luke adds two particulars: that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (1) "in a bodily shape," and (2) "while He was praying." In the fourth gospel, where John Baptist's own words are quoted, the act of baptism is not name... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:16

_the heavens_ A literal translation of the Hebrew word, which is a plural form. _he_[_Jesus saw_ We should infer from the text that the vision was to Jesus alone, but the Baptist also was a witness as we learn from John 1:32. "And John bare record, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dov... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 3:17

_a voice from heaven_ Thrice during our Lord's ministry it is recorded that a voice from heaven came to Him. The two other occasions were at the Transfiguration and in the week of the Passion (John 12:28). _heaven_ lit. as above HEAVENS. _beloved_ The original word is used specially and only of th... [ Continue Reading ]

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