Therefore, &c. The -devising" of the dishonest grandees is met by the -devising" of Jehovah; oppression is punished by oppression. Comp. the striking correspondences between sins and their punishments in Isaiah 5.

against this family The grandees, as the heads and representatives of the nation (Isaiah 9:15), have involved all ranks in a common ruin. Israel is disparagingly called -this family" (instead of -my family"). Comp. Isaiah 6:10; Isaiah 28:14; Isaiah 29:13; Jeremiah 8:5; Jeremiah 13:10 (where the phrase is used of Judah), Isaiah 8:6; Isaiah 9:16 (where it seems to refer to the northern kingdom), and Jeremiah 33:24 (where it is applied even to the heathen neighbours of the Jews). Here it evidently refers to the northern and southern kingdoms alike -the whole family which I brought up out of the land of Egypt" (Amos 3:1).

your necks The -evil," then, is a foreign yoke; comp. Jeremiah 27:12. They are likened to cattle (as Amos 4:1).

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