Nehemiah 11:1,2

Part III. MISCELLANEOUS Ch. Nehemiah 11:1 to Nehemiah 12:26. Lists. Ch. Nehemiah 12:27-43. Dedication of the City Walls. Nehemiah 12:44-47. Levitical Organization. Ch. Nehemiah 13:1-3. Relations with Heathen.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:1

_And_ The copula has no connexion with the preceding chapter, and probably marks the compilatory character of the passage. _rulers_ R.V. PRINCES. _dwelt at_(R.V. in) _Jerusalem_ It has been suggested that this clause refers only to -the princes," who, before Nehemiah took the matter in hand, had r... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:1-36

Nehemiah 11:1 TO NEHEMIAH 12:26. Extracts from Registers and Public Lists 1, 2. Measures taken to increase the number of dwellers in Jerusalem. This passage seems to take up the thread which had been dropped at Nehemiah 7:4. Nehemiah had been rendered anxious by the fewness of the inhabitants in p... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:2

_that willingly offered themselves_ Another group is here distinguished, i.e. those who volunteered to go and dwell in Jerusalem. They are not to be confused with those who were sent there, being chosen -by lot." They went of their own accord, moved by public spirit. The blessing of their countrymen... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:3

_Now these are the chief_, &c. The heading of our list differs from that in 1 Chronicles 9:2, which runs, -Now the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions in their cities were, Israel, the priests, the Levites, and the Nethinim." The purpose of the list in 1 Chronicles 9 is apparently to g... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:3-10

From this verse to Nehemiah 12:26 we have a succession of lists: (1) the chiefs of the provinces that dwelt in Jerusalem, 4 26; (2) the towns and villages occupied by the Jews, 25 36; (3) the priests and Levites that went up with Zerubbabel from Babylon, Nehemiah 12:1-9; (4) the genealogy of the hig... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:4

_And at Jerusalem_ R.V. AND IN JERUSALEM. In the Chronicles list after -the children of Benjamin" are mentioned -and of the children of Ephraim and Manasseh." _Athaiah the son of Uzziah_, &c. In 1 Chronicles 9:4 the house of Perez is represented by -Uthai the son of Ammihud." The suggestion that -A... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:5

_Maaseiah_ In 1 Chronicles 9:5, -And of the Shilonites; Asaiah the firstborn, and his sons." _the son of Shiloni_ R.V. THE SON OF THE SHILONITE. The word for -son of (_ben_) has probably been inserted by copyists who mistook the patronymic -Shilonite" for a proper name. The word -Shilonite" has noth... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:6

_at Jerusalem_ R.V. in. _four hundred threescore and eight valiant men_ Our list gives the number of the sons of Perez, 468; the Chronicles list gives the number of the sons of Zerah, 690. It is clear, therefore, that neither list is complete, but that each is drawn from some fuller document. _val... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:7

_Sallu the son of Meshullam_ This name stands at the head of the Benjamites in 1 Chronicles 9:7-9. But otherwise the lists here vary from one another. 8 _Gabbai, Sallai_ The occurrence of these names, not separated by the copula, is peculiar. No connexion can be traced between the -Gabbai, Sallai, …... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:9

_And Joel_, &c. There is nothing in the 1 Chron. list corresponding with this verse. _overseer_ Apparently the members of the same tribe or house formed a distinct organization within the city walls, and were under a responsible head or -overseer," -pâqid." LXX. ἐπίσκοπος. Vulg. -praepositus." _Jud... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:10

_Jedaiah the son of Joiarib, Jachin_ The parallel passage in 1 Chronicles 9:10 has -Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, Jachin." As these three are the names of well-known priestly houses (cf. 1 Chronicles 24:7, Jehoiarib the first, Jedaiah the second, Jachin the one and twentieth in the twenty-four), -the son... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:11

_Seraiah_ 1 Chronicles 9:11, -Azariah the son of Meshullam." The same person may be intended, as the same genealogy is given in both lists. If so, the names have possibly been accidentally confused, either through similarity of sound or through corruption in the original text from which the lists we... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:12

_eight hundred twenty and two_ These numbers are not given in 1 Chron. _Adaiah_ A fuller genealogy is given for this name than in 1 Chronicles 9:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:13

_chief of the fathers_ R.V. CHIEFS OF FATHERS" HOUSES. From the technical use of the term -chiefs of fathers" houses," it is obvious that the figure 242 denotes the number of the retainers of Adaiah and -his brethren," who were -chiefs of fathers" houses." _Amashai_(R.V. AMASHSAI) _the son of Azare... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:14

_mighty_men _of valour_ Cf. 1 Chronicles 9:13 -Very able men (lit. mighty men of valour) for the work of the service of the house of God." _their brethren … an hundred twenty and eight_ Query: -their" an error for -his"? In our list of the priests, Nehemiah 11:10 we have the following figures: Je... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:15

_Also_ R.V. AND. _Hashub_ R.V. HASSHUB. _the son of Bunni_ Instead of this termination to Shemaiah's genealogy, we find -of the sons of Merari" in 1 Chronicles 9:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:16

_Shabbethai … Jozabad_ See these names in Nehemiah 8:7. They do not occur in the parallel list of 1 Chronicles 9:15-16, where however three other names, Heresh, Galal, and Berechiah are inserted. _chief_ R.V. CHIEFS. _had the oversight_ R.V. WHO HAD THE OVERSIGHT. _the outward business of the hou... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:17

_Micha_ R.V. MICA. was _the principal_ R.V. WHO WAS THE CHIEF. The expression -the chief to begin the thanksgiving in prayer" is not very intelligible. The Hebrew for -the chief to begin" is literally -the head of the beginning (_t'khillah_) who used to give thanks to the prayer" i.e. after it. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:19

_Akkub, Talmon_ In 1 Chronicles 9:17, -And the porters; Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, and their brethren: Shallum was the chief." _that kept the gates_ R.V. THAT KEPT WATCH AT THE GATE. _an hundred seventy and two_ 1 Chronicles 9:22, -two hundred and twelve;" the discrepancy may be a... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:20

This verse is clearly out of place, interrupting the register of -the porters" and -the Nethinim." It would be more appropriate before Nehemiah 11:25. _the residue of Israel_ Cf. Nehemiah 11:1, -the _rest_of the people," where the same word is used in the Hebrew. -Israel" as in Nehemiah 11:3 (cf.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:21

_the Nethinims_ R.V. THE NETHINIM. _in Ophel_ See Nehemiah 3:26. Their quarters were on the summit of the Hill or Mound, S. of the Temple height. _Ziha_and _Gispa_(R.V. GISHPA)] Ziha's name occurs at the head of the Nethinim in Ezra 2:43; Nehemiah 7:46; and there can be little doubt that -Gishpa... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:22

_Uzzi_ Uzzi's position as overseer of the Levites -over the business of the house of God" is parallel to that of Shabbethai and Jozabad (Nehemiah 11:16). _Micha_ R.V. MICA. Cf. Nehemiah 11:17. _Of the sons of Asaph, the singers were over_&c. R.V. OF THE SONS OF ASAPH, THE SINGERS, OVER &c. The R.V... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:23

_For_it was] R.V. FOR THERE WAS. _the king's commandment_ R.V. A COMMANDMENT FROM THE KING. That this was the Persian king Artaxerxes is shown by the reference to -the king" in Nehemiah 11:24, and by the similar instances of favour to the Temple at Jerusalem on the part of Artaxerxes. Cf. Nehemiah... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:24

_Pethahiah the son of Meshezabeel_(R.V. MESHEZABEL) … _Zerah_ On -Zerah the son of Judah" see note on Nehemiah 11:4. _at the king's hand_ What this exactly meant we are left to conjecture. Pethahiah was in some sort of way an official representative of Jewish interests in connexion with the Persian... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:25

_And for the villages, with their fields_ The preposition -for" = -with respect to." The verse takes up the thread which had been interrupted by the parenthesis (21 24). _at Kirjath-arba, and_in _the villages thereof_ R.V. IN KIRJATH-ARBA AND THE TOWNS (Marg. Heb. _daughters thereof_). Kirjath-arb... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:26

_Jeshua_ Not mentioned elsewhere. Some suppose that the name is a corruption of Shema (Joshua 15:26.) _Moladah_ Cf. Joshua 15:26. _Beth-phelet_ R.V. BETH-PELET. Cf. Joshua 15:27.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:29

_En-rimmon_ In Joshua 15:32 we find this as two places, -Ain, and Rimmon;" so also in Joshua 19:7; 1 Chronicles 4:32. _Zareah_ R.V. ZORAH. Cf. Joshua 15:33, -in the lowland … Zorah." _Jarmuth_ Cf. Joshua 15:35; cf. Joshua 3:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:30

_Zanoah_ Cf. Joshua 15:34; cf. Joshua 3:13. _Adullam_ Cf. Joshua 15:35. _Lachish_ Cf. Joshua 15:39. _Azekah_ Cf. Joshua 15:35. _And they dwelt_ R.V. SO THEY ENCAMPED. _from Beer-sheba unto the valley of Hinnom_ i.e. from the extreme southern point of Israel to the northern boundary of the tribe... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:31

_The children also of Benjamin from Geba_dwelt at _Michmash_ R.V. THE CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN ALSO dwelt FROM GEBA onward, AT MICHMASH. The list of Benjamite towns starts from Geba, about 10 or 12 miles N. of Jerusalem, the modern Djibia. It is strange that the R.V. having altered the preposition from... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:32

_Anathoth_ See on Ezra 2:23. _Nob_ Cf. 1 Samuel 22:11. _Ananiah_ Only mentioned here. It has been by some identified with -beit-Hannina," a village two miles N. of Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:33

_Hazor_ Not elsewhere mentioned, unless it be the same as Baal-hazor, which is beside Ephraim" (2 Samuel 13:23). _Ramah_ See on Ezra 2:26. _Gittaim_ Cf. 2 Samuel 4:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:34

_Hadid_ In Ezra 2:33, with Lod and Ono. _Zeboim_ Cf. 1 Samuel 13:18. _Neballat_ Only mentioned here, = beit-Nebala, N.W. of Lydda, six miles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:35

_Lod, and Ono_ Cf. Nehemiah 6:2; Ezra 2:33; 1 Chronicles 8:12. _the valley of craftsmen_ R.V. marg. -Or, _Gehaharashim_". See 1 Chronicles 4:14, -Joab the father of Gehaharashim (marg. Or, _the valley of craftsmen_); for they were craftsmen." The R.V. treats the expression in that passage as a prop... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 11:36

were _divisions in Judah_and _in Benjamin_ R.V. CERTAIN COURSES IN JUDAH were joined TO BENJAMIN. The A.V., which gives quite a wrong view of the passage, perhaps followed the Vulg., -de Levitis portiones Judæ et Benjamin." The LXX. is very literal, ἀπὸ τῶν Λευιτῶν μερίδες Ἰούδα τῷ Βενιαμείν. The me... [ Continue Reading ]

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