mightymen of valour Cf. 1 Chronicles 9:13 -Very able men (lit. mighty men of valour) for the work of the service of the house of God."

their brethren … an hundred twenty and eight Query: -their" an error for -his"?

In our list of the priests, Nehemiah 11:10 we have the following figures:

Jedaiah, Jachin, Seraiah, &c.

= 822

Adaiah, &c.

= 242


= 128


It is noticeable that these figures do not correspond with the number 1760 mentioned in 1 Chronicles 9:13.

overseer Cf. Nehemiah 11:9.

the son ofone of the greatmen] so R.V. marg. R.V. text the son of Haggedolim. It is a disputed point whether -Haggedolim" is a proper name. The literal translation would be -the son of the great ones," so the LXX. renders Βαδιὴλ υἱὸς τῶν μεγάλων. But who are -the great ones"? The explanation which has been given that they are the priests mentioned in this section, Nehemiah 11:10, is merely a conjecture, which has no other evidence in its favour. Some (e.g. Neteler) think it means -the high-priests;" and suppose Zabdiel to have been the Sagan or deputy high-priest. On the other hand, if -Haggedolim" he a proper name, it is a very peculiar one; but cf. Nehemiah 11:35, -Gehaharashim."

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