Urijah the son of Koz R.V. Uriah the son of Hakkoz.

another piece R.V. another portion. Meremoth was also concerned in the repair of the Northern wall. See on Nehemiah 3:4.

even to the end This description seems to imply that the high-priest's house was a building of considerable extent, and that it was built upon the city wall. The word rendered -end" (taclîth) seems only to occur in this sense twice elsewhere in the O.T., Job 26:10, -confines," Job 28:3, -end." Elsewhere e.g. Psalms 139:22 it is used to denote -perfection," -completeness." The words proved a difficulty to the versions, e.g. LXX. ἕως ἐκλείψεως, Vulg. donec extenderetur.

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