Nehemiah's audience comply with his request. -We will restore" refers to the fields, vineyards, oliveyards and houses seized in default of payment or as pledges; -will require nothing" refers to the usury, i.e. the interest already due upon the sums borrowed.

as thou sayest R.V. even as thou sayest.

Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them Nehemiah takes measures publicly to bind the money-lenders before the impression had passed away. He summoned the priests to administer the oath. Thus the engagement was undertaken in the presence of public witnesses. The presence of the priests added to the solemnity of the transaction, and was of additional importance, since the priests were entrusted with judicial functions and would have to decide questions between debtor and creditor. On the judicial functions of the priests and their duties outside the Temple cf. Nehemiah 11:16; 1 Chronicles 23:4; 1 Chronicles 26:29.

took an oath of them -Them" refers not to the priests, but to the money-lenders. Nehemiah bound them by an oath which the priest solemnly administered, Ezra 10:5.

according to this promise -Promise," as also in Nehemiah 5:13; literally -this word." The Hebrew language has no distinct word for -promise," cf. 1 Kings 8:56, -there hath not failed one word of all his good promise" (lit. -good word"). Psalms 105:42, -For he remembered his holy word" (A.V. -promise"). In Psalms 77:8, -Doth his promise fail for evermore?" the expression used is different, and is more like our -saying" or -utterance."

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