Israel's Disobedience

26. cast thy law behind their backs R.V. back. -Thy law," cf. Nehemiah 9:14. For this phrase cf. 1 Kings 14:9; Ezekiel 23:35, -Cast me behind thy back," where the Lord is the speaker. The -law" of God, which Israel rejected, is not here the ceremonial or even the written law, but the moral and spiritual -teaching" of Jehovah, of which -the prophets" were the Apostles from Moses to Malachi.

slew thy prophets -Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord," 1 Kings 18:4. Not many instances are recorded. But cf. Zechariah (2 Chronicles 24; 2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 20-22), Uriah the son of Shemaiah (Jeremiah 26:20-23). The martyrdoms of Isaiah and Jeremiah belong to Jewish tradition. The deaths of the prophets who laid down their lives for their testimony are referred to in the New Test., cf. Matthew 5:12; Matthew 23:29; Acts 7:52 (1 Thessalonians 2:15); Hebrews 11:32 ff.

to turn them to thee R.V. to turn them again unto thee, i.e. to turn them back from following after other gods, and to lead them in -the way wherein they should go" (Nehemiah 9:19). Not as Vulg. -ut reverterentur ad te," (LXX. ἐπιστρέψαι αὐτοὺς πρός σε). The rebellion of Israel was -a turning back" from Jehovah. Cf. Psalms 78:57.

wrought great provocations Cf. Nehemiah 9:18.

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