The twenty-four names in the following verses recur in chs. 2, 7. and Numbers 10:14-27. Some of them are of types which were frequent in early times, Amminadab (Numbers 1:7), Ammhud (Numbers 1:10), Elishama (id.[Note: d. idem, -the same," referring to the book last mentioned.]), Abidan (Numbers 1:11), Ahiezer (Numbers 1:12), Ahira (Numbers 1:15), but others are unknown to pre-exilic O.T. writings, Nethanel (Numbers 1:8), Gamaliel (Numbers 1:10), and the names compounded with Zur and Shaddai (including Shedeur, Numbers 1:5). No certain traces of names compounded with Shaddai have been found apart from this list. It is probable that the compiler made an artificial selection of ancient and modern names. See Gray, Numbers, pp. 6 f., and Heb. Proper Names, pp. 191 211.

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