The priests" dues. These are as follows: (a) All meal-, sin-, and guilt-offerings, with the exception of those parts which are burnt on the altar, i.e. given to God. These may be eaten by any malemember of the priestly families -in a very holy place" (Numbers 18:9). (b) Those portions of a -gift" (i.e. a peace-offering) which are not eaten by the worshipper himself, nor given to God by being burnt on the altar; the priests" portions thus consisted of the -contribution," including that part of it called the -wave-offering." These may be eaten by any member, male or female, of the priestly families, who is free from ceremonial pollution (Numbers 18:11). The fact that females might eat it implies that it might be eaten anywhere outside the sacred precincts, into which no female was admitted, (c) All the best of the fresh oil, wine, and corn (further defined as -the first" of them), and the first-ripe fruits. These may be eaten by the same persons as in (b) (Numbers 18:12). (d) Every -devoted" thing (Numbers 18:14). (e) The first-born of all clean cattle (Numbers 18:15 a), with the exception of the blood and fat which were given to God (Numbers 18:17). (f) The five shekels paid for the redemption of the first-born of men, and the redemption price (amount not stated) of the first-born of unclean beasts (Numbers 18:15 b, Numbers 18:16; Numbers 18:16).

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