As valleys are they spread forth As wadies that stretch themselves out; beautifully watered glens stretching away into the distance. Like the three following, it is a simile of luxuriant prosperity.

As lign-aloes&c. Heb. "ahâlîm. But this word elsewhere denotes a fragrant perfume brought from the far east (Psalms 45:8; Proverbs 7:17); the tree or plant which yielded it was not indigenous in Palestine or the neighbourhood. See next note.

As cedar trees beside the waters But cedars do not grow beside water; see art. -Cedars" in Hastings" DB.i. On the other hand cedars (not aloes) are spoken of as planted by Jehovah (Psalms 104:16). It is therefore possible that the words -which Jehovah hath planted" and -beside the waters" have been accidentally transposed. If so, Dillmann's conjecture "êlîm-palms" for "ahâlîmwould be very suitable, since palms grow beside water (cf. Exodus 15:27).

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