Numbers 33 - Introduction

Numbers 33:1 _The journey from Egypt to the steppes of Moab_ This itinerary includes some places mentioned elsewhere only in J E and others mentioned only in P; and it is probable that it was compiled by someone who had both P and J E before him. It must therefore belong to a late stage of P. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:50-56

_Commands with regard to the settlement in Canaan_. With the exception of Numbers 33:54 the passage is derived from D. In it is enjoined the destruction of the Canaanite objects of worship, a command which is peculiarly characteristic of Deuteronomic portions of the Pentateuch; cf. Exodus 23:24; Exo... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:52

_ye shall drive out ye shall_ DISPOSSESS. The word הוֹריש in this sense is very frequent in Deut. _their figured_stones] The literal meaning of the word seems to be -something to be looked at." It denotes the carved figures and symbols used in Canaanite idolatrous worship. Cf. Leviticus 26:1; Ezeki... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:54

_falleth to any man_ The lots would not be cast for individuals, but, as the last sentence of the verse shews, for whole tribes, or at most for clans. The Heb. is obscurely expressed, but it may be rendered _wheresoever the lot_ GOETH FORTH FOR EACH, TO THAT ONE SHALL IT BELONG.... [ Continue Reading ]

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