ye shall drive out ye shall dispossess. The word הוֹריש in this sense is very frequent in Deut.

their figuredstones] The literal meaning of the word seems to be -something to be looked at." It denotes the carved figures and symbols used in Canaanite idolatrous worship. Cf. Leviticus 26:1; Ezekiel 8:12.

their high places The Hebrews learnt from the Canaanites the practice of erecting altars and sanctuaries on hills and natural mounds, to which the technical term bâmôthwas applied. But the word seems to have acquired a more general force, and to have been used for any sanctuaries, even in valleys and by the gates of cities (cf. Jeremiah 7:31; 2 Kings 23:8). In the present passage the word cannot refer to hills, for the Israelites are bidden to -demolish them." Some think that the bâmôthof later times may have been small artificial mounds, to represent the hills of the ancient worship; but there is no certain evidence of this.

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