Numbers 34 - Introduction

P. Numbers 34:1. The boundaries of Israelite possessions on the west of the Jordan. Numbers 34:16. The appointment of ten princes to superintend the allotment of the land. The eastern and western boundaries of the country are clearly defined. They are the R. Jordan and the -Great Sea," the Mediter... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:3

_your south quarter your south_ SIDA. The word _pe"âh_frequently occurs in the ideal pictures of Ezekiel (chs. 41 48) always with this meaning. In earlier Heb. it denotes a -corner." _eastward_ i.e. on the east. The southern extremity of the Salt Sea is further denned in Joshua 15:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:4

_the ascent of Akrabbim_ i.e. the -Scorpion Pass." -From the Dead Sea the line indicated probably ran at first S.W. through the Wady el-Fiḳreh, which is a natural boundary, and then, turning round the Jebel Madurah [see on Numbers 20:22], much more directly south to Ḳadesh. The ascent of -Aḳrabbim m... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:5

_the brook of Egypt_ Heb. -the _naḥal_of _Miẓraim_." A.V. -the river of Egypt" gives the erroneous impression that the Nile is meant. The name is that of a wady or torrent, now called _Wâdy el--Arîsh_, which rises in the centre of the Sinaitic peninsula, and flows northward into the Mediterranean ab... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:6

_and the border_thereof] These words should be omitted. The word וּגְבוּל (_ûgebhûl_-and a border") may have been accidentally added as a doublet of the preceding חַגָּדוֹל (_haggâdhôl_-the great"), which it somewhat resembles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:7

_mount Hor_ This is, of course, quite distinct from the mountain of the same name in the neighbourhood of Edom (Numbers 20:22 ff., Numbers 33:38).... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:11

_the side of the sea_ lit. -the shoulder of the sea." The word is a descriptive term referring to the mountain slopes on the N.E. of the lake; cf. Joshua 15:10. The sea or lake is that known in N.T. times as the Sea, or Lake, of Galilee.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 34:16-29

Ten princes were appointed to superintend the allotment of the land, one from each of the nine and a halt tribes who settled west of the Jordan. In supreme command are Joshua and Eleazar, the successors of Moses and Aaron as the civil and religious beads of the nation.... [ Continue Reading ]

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