the avenger Heb. gô"çl, the nearest representative of the family of the slain man. Perhaps (with LXX.) we should read -the avenger of blood," as in Numbers 35:19; Numbers 35:21. On the gô"çland his duties see n. on Numbers 35:8.

the congregation It is not clearly stated that this means the congregation of the manslayer's city; and the word -çdahelsewhere in P denotes the whole community of Israel. But in Numbers 35:25 (see note there) the words - restorehim to his city of refuge" imply that the -congregation" have taken him to some other place for judgement, which would more probably be his own city than any other; and in Deuteronomy 19:12 the judges in the case of murder are -the elders of his city."

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