When finally ready for the march the burden of the Kohathites would be seen simply as six large packages as follows. (i) The Ark(Numbers 4:5 f.), covered with the -veil of the screen" (see on Numbers 3:31), and a water-proof covering of dugong skin, and over this a violet cloth. It was carried by the staves, or poles, with which it was furnished for the purpose of transport (Exodus 25:14). The Ark is the only piece of furniture that has a coloured cloth over the water-proof covering; this would make it a conspicuous object on the march, (ii) The Table of the Presence Bread(Numbers 4:7 f., see note), covered with a violet cloth upon which all the utensils and the loaves are placed, and the whole covered with a scarlet cloth, and that with the dugong skin; like the Ark it was carried by poles, (iii) The Lampstandand all its utensils (Numbers 4:9 f.), covered with violet cloth and dugong skin, and carried by means of a bar. (iv) The Golden Altar of Incense(Numbers 4:11), covered with violet cloth and dugong skin and carried by its poles. (v) The miscellaneous utensils(Numbers 4:12) not actually belonging to any piece of furniture, covered with violet cloth and dugong skin and carried by means of a bar. (vi) The Altar of Burnt-offering(Numbers 4:13 f.), covered with a crimson cloth upon which all the utensils belonging to it are placed, and the whole covered with dugong skin and carried by its poles.

The reason for the additional scarlet cloth over the Table is unknown. The use of cloth of a different colour in the case of the Altar of Burnt-offering may have been because the Altar belonged to a lower grade of sanctity since it stood outside the Dwelling. For a description of the various articles see notes on Exodus 25:1-40; Exodus 27:1-8; Exodus 30:1-5.

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