Numbers 9 - Introduction

_The Supplementary Passover_ Provision is here made for the celebration of the Passover a month later for persons who were unavoidably prevented from observing it on the right day. It is the first Passover after the Exodus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:2

AND _let the children of Israel_&c. If the text is correct some previous command or portion of the sentence has been lost. This may have been due to the transposition of the section from its original position. LXX. reads εἰπὸν καὶ κ. τ. λ., -speak and let the children of Israel keep.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:3

_all the statutes of it_ These were laid down in Exodus 12:1-20; Exodus 12:43-49 (P), Exodus 12:21 (J). The feast is referred to as a type in 1 Corinthians 5:7 f.; cf. Colossians 1:14; Ephesians 1:7 (with Armitage Robinson's note).... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:6

Uncleanness prevented any share in a sacrificial feast on pain of death (Leviticus 7:20), and contact with a dead body was a source of uncleanness (Numbers 19:11).... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:10

Provision is made both for accidental uncleanness, and also for absence on a journey. This is evidently intended to be exhaustive, and was understood in later days to include all good reasons which might prevent anyone from keeping the festival. Cf. 2 Chronicles 30:2; 2 Chronicles 30:15. _of your g... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:13

_shall be cut off_ He shall suffer death by divine agency, not by punishment inflicted at the hands of the community. _shall bear his sin_ Shall suffer the consequences of his sin; cf. Numbers 18:22; Numbers 18:32 (P), Leviticus 19:17; Leviticus 20:20; Leviticus 22:9; Leviticus 24:15 (H), Ezekiel 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:14

_a stranger a_ SOJOURNER. The Heb. _gêr_has no exact equivalent in English. He was one who was not an Israelite but who, permanently or for a considerable period, put himself under Israelite protection and became a member of the community. He was sharply distinguished from a foreigner, who was makin... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:15

_it_ USED TO BE _upon the_ DWELLING]om elsewhere used only of a small number (see on Deuteronomy 4:27) so that the suggested _let his men be numerous_(cp. LXX) is improbable. In Genesis 49:4 Reuben though the firstborn _shall not have the excellency_; see the notes there. In Judges 5:16 the tribe is... [ Continue Reading ]

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