Do&c. The general principle of holiness of life in the power of the Divine Indweller is now carried into details, with a view to the special temptations and failings of the Philippians. See above, on Philippians 2:2.

allthings] Observe the characteristic totality of the precept. Cp. Ephesians 4:15; Ephesians 4:31; and see 2 Corinthians 9:8.

without murmurings and disputings amongst and against one another. For the word "murmuring" in a similar connexion cp. Acts 6:1; 1 Peter 4:9; and for "disputing," James 2:4. This reference suits the context, and the indications of the whole Epistle as to the besetting sins of Philippi, better than the reference to murmurs and doubts as towards God. And such sins against one another would be prevented by nothing so much as by the felt presence of "God working in them." See below, on Philippians 4:5.

"Disputings":for example, about the duties of others and the rights of self. The older Latin versions render detractiones.

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