He proposes soon to send Timotheus: He sends without delay Epaphroditus

19. But I trust&c. Lit., But I hope &c. He refers back to the allusion to his absence from them, Philippians 2:12. That trial, while it brings them its special calls and opportunities, is yet to be relieved.

in the Lord Jesus See last note on Philippians 1:8.

Timotheus See on Philippians 1:1.

I also as well as you. He affectionately assumes that they, in accordance with his entreaties above (Philippians 2:12 &c.) will be "strong and of a good courage" in the Lord. He would share this, through the joy of hearing of it.

be of good comfort More lit., "be of good (happy) soul." A single word (verb) in the Greek.

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