the mark R.V., "the goal." But the Greek word is, like "mark," a general rather than a special one, and used in the classics rather of archery than of racing. The verse might be roughly but closely rendered, "mark-wards I haste, towards the prize &c."; I run with a definite aim, and that aim is to win the prize. Cp. 1 Corinthians 9:26; "I so run, not as uncertainly."

the prize The same word occurs 1 Corinthians 9:24, and not elsewhere in N.T. It is very rare in secular Greek, but is connected with the common word for the arbiter or umpire who awarded the athletic prize. In Christian Latin (e.g. in the Latin versions here) it appears transliterated, as bravium(or brabium). The "prize" is "the crown," glory everlasting as the blessed result and triumph of the work of grace, of the life of faith. Cp. Revelation 2:10; and esp. 2 Timothy 4:7-8.

the high calling Lit., "the upward, or upper calling." The Latin versions have superior vocatio, superna vocatio. The word rendered "high" is the same as that rendered Galatians 4:26 as "Jerusalem which is above": and cp. John 8:23, "I am from (the things) above." The "calling" in St Paul's case was doubtless to be an Apostle (Alford), but it was first and most to be a Christian, and the whole tone of this great passage is in favour of this latter thought. He is dealing with his own spiritual experienceas a general model. This "calling" is "celestial," at once in origin, operation, and final issue. Cp. Colossians 3:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 2:14. In the Epistles the words "call," "calling," denote not merely the external invitation but the internal and effectual drawing of the soul by grace. See in illustration 1 Corinthians 1:23-24. It corresponds nearly to the common use of the word "conversion." Contrast the use of "call" in the Gospels; Matthew 20:16; Matthew 22:14.

of God in Christ Jesus The Father is the Caller (as Romans 8:29-30; Galatians 1:15; 2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Peter 5:10 &c.), and the call is "in" the Son; it is conveyed throughthe Son, and takes effect in union withHim, in embodiment inHim. For the pregnant construction cp. 1 Corinthians 7:22.

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