Proverbs 13:2

Comp. with the first clause of this verse Proverbs 12:14. _the soul_ i.e. _the desire_(Proverbs 6:30, and Proverbs 13:4 below), or _appetite_. His desire is to inflict violence on others; it shall be fed, or satisfied, by violence inflicted on him. This is more forcible and preserves the parallelis... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:3

_keepeth … keepeth_ Rather, GUARDETH … KEEPETH, R.V., the Heb. words being different. For the sentiment comp. Proverbs 10:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:5

_is loathsome_ lit. STINKETH. Comp. Ecclesiastes 10:1; Exodus 5:21, where the same Heb. word occurs. In R.V. marg. an alternative rendering is suggested: _causeth shame and bringeth reproach_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:6

_keepeth_ Rather, GUARDETH, as in Proverbs 13:3 above. him that is _upright in the way_ "Heb. _uprightness of way_," R.V. marg. _the sinner_ "Heb. _sin_," R.V. marg.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:7

_maketh_ This rendering, which is retained in R.V. text, has its highest illustration in Christ Himself (Philippians 2:5-11; 2 Corinthians 8:9), and accords with the constant teaching of the N.T. (Php 3:7-9; 2 Corinthians 6:10; Luke 12:21; Revelation 3:17). Some however, with R.V. marg., would rende... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:8

_heareth_ i.e. _heedeth_. Comp. Proverbs 13:1. _rebuke_ Rather THREATENING; ἀπειλήν, LXX. If wealth has its advantage in enabling its possessor to purchase deliverance from danger and death (as, for example, by paying a ransom to robbers, or a fine or bribe in a court of justice), so has poverty i... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:9

_light … lamp_ The change of word is doubtless designed. So our Lord is φῶς, and John Baptist λύχνος (John 8:12; John 5:35). _shall be put out_ Comp. Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 24:20. The LXX. add to this verse: "Deceitful souls go astray in sins; But the righteous are pitiful and merciful.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:10

_Only by pride cometh_ Rather, BY PRIDE COMETH ONLY, R.V. Pride is sure to rouse opposition and lead to contention; whereas wisdom belongs to those who accept advice and avoid disputes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:11

_by vanity_ i.e. by untrustworthy methods, such as speculation, gambling, high rate of interest with poor security (comp. Proverbs 21:6), in contrast to hard work, _by labour_(lit. _with the hand_). The word vanity in this sense of what is unreliable and transitory is a key-word of the Book of Eccle... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:13

_the word_ sc. _of God_, as in Proverbs 16:20. The _commandment_, in the parallel clause, seems to make this clear, though the reference is not necessarily to the Law of Moses. See Introd. Ch. 1., p. 13. The R.V. appears to suggest another rendering, _handleth a matter negligently_, by referring to... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:15

_transgressors_ Rather, the TREACHEROUS, R.V. _hard rugged_, R.V., i.e. harsh and forbidding, like a desert or rocky place (Deuteronomy 21:4) in contrast to the "favour" which "good understanding" "giveth," or "getteth." The LXX. render, _is in destruction_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:16

_dealeth_ Rather, WORKETH. He works with knowledge, turning it to good account for beauty and profit, as a cunning artificer does with precious metals, Exodus 31:4-5, where the Heb. word is the same. This, however, is probably intended by _dealeth_, A.V. Comp. our use of the words _deal, dealer_, in... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:17

_falleth_ Hitzig and others, by a slight change of vowels, read _bringeth_, sc. those who sent him, which contrasts better with the bringing of _health_, or _well-being_by the faithful messenger. Comp. Proverbs 25:13. _mischief_ Rather, EVIL, R.V. This proverb must be read in the light of the then... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:19

_but_ If with R.V. we retain _but_, we must understand _desire_in the first clause in a good sense, as in Proverbs 13:12: q.d. in spite of the sweetness of good desires accomplished, fools will not forsake evil to attain to it. Balaam's desire, "let me die the death of the righteous" (Numbers 23:10)... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:20

_He that walketh_ Or (with a change of Heb. vowel points), _Walk with wise men and be wise_. _destroyed_ Lit. BE BROKEN. See Proverbs 11:15, where the same word is rendered _shall smart for it_. He who is the companion of fools in friendship shall become their companion in destruction. Comp. Prover... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:23

_for want of judgment_ Rather, BY REASON OF INJUSTICE, R.V. The contrast is between substance gained by honest toil and substance lost by injustice: a poor man by hard labour makes his newly cultivated field yield him much; but you may see a rich man brought to ruin by dishonest practices. Comp. Jam... [ Continue Reading ]

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