Proverbs 15:2

_useth knowledge aright_ Or, _uttereth_, &c. R.V. Lit. MAKETH GOOD KNOWLEDGE, i.e. turns it to good account, makes the best of it. Comp. "they make goodly (lit. as here, make good) images or pillars," Hosea 10:1. The contrast is between the good use of knowledge which adds to its usefulness, and th... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:3

_beholding_ Rather, KEEPING WATCH UPON, R.V. σκοπεύουσι, LXX. The word is commonly used of a watchman (1 Samuel 14:16; 2 Samuel 13:34; 2 Samuel 18:24), and calls up the figure of the Almighty observing, as it were, from His lofty watch-tower in heaven all the doings of the dwellers upon earth. The s... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:4

_wholesome_ See Proverbs 14:30, where the same Heb. word is rendered _sound_, and note there, and comp. ὑγιαίνοντες λόγοι, 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13, and λόγος ὑγιής, Titus 2:8. R.V. marg. gives, _the healing of_(caused by) _the tongue_. So ἴασις γλώσσης, LXX.; lingua placabilis, Vulg. _a breac... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:7

doeth _not so_ So R.V. text, with the alternative in the marg. _is not stedfast_, or _right_. Maurer, however, renders (repeating _disperse_from the first clause) _that which is not right_; and compares the use of the same Heb. word, in the phrases, "thou hast well spoken," "speak right," "speak wel... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:11

_Hell and destruction_ SHEOL AND ABADDON with "_The grave_," and "_Destruction_" in the marg. R.V. In their preface the Revisers explain that "with a view to obviate inevitable misunderstanding," they "have left in the historical narratives the rendering (of A.V.) -the grave," or -the pit," with a m... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:14

_seeketh … feedeth on_ The one delights in the active pursuit of knowledge, which ever creates in those who find it a craving for more; the other lies down like a satiated animal, and feeds and ruminates on the folly, which quenches all high desire.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:19

_a hedge of thorns_ which may be either of his own making (Proverbs 24:30-31), or of his own imagining (Proverbs 22:13). _made plain_ "Heb. _raised up as a causey_" (archaic form of _causeway_), A.V. marg.; _made a high way_, R.V. Comp. Isaiah 57:14; Isaiah 62:10, where the same Heb. word occurs.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:21

_wisdom_ Lit. HEART, as in Proverbs 11:12. _walketh uprightly_ Lit. MAKETH STRAIGHT HIS GOING. The parallelism consists in the contrast between the reckless "joy" with which the heartless fool revels in his "folly," and the care and caution with which a man of understanding makes straight his way.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:23

_by_ Rather, IN. The reference is rather to the satisfaction found in the ready answer itself, the "word in due season," as he utters it, than to any fruit which comes to him "by" it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:25

_destroy_ Rather, ROOT UP, R.V., in contrast with _establish_in the next clause. _widow_ As typical of the humble and poor. Comp. Psalms 68:5, and for the sentiment 1 Peter 5:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:26

_thoughts of the wicked … pleasant words_ Lit. DEVICES OF EVIL … WORDS OF PLEASANTNESS. The contrast is between these, and then further between the former, as "abomination to Jehovah," and the latter as "pure," and therefore acceptable to Him. There is possibly, as Maurer suggests, a sacrificial ref... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:27

_gifts_ The proverb, though universal in its moral, is Oriental in its form. Gifts "play a very important part in the social life of the East" (see Smith's _Dict. of Bible_, GIFT). Hence they form at once the bait by which "he that is greedy of gain" is lured, as Gehazi was, to the "troubling of his... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:30

_The light of the eyes_ This is sometimes understood to mean the beaming eyes of kindly regard with which others look upon us (comp. the phrase "the light of the countenance," Psalms 4:6 [Hebrews 7]; Proverbs 16:15). "We all want to see that light in the eyes of our friends, which rejoices the heart... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 15:31

_of life_ i.e. which tends to life. So, _the instruction of wisdom_=the instruction which leads to, or bestows wisdom, Proverbs 15:33 below.... [ Continue Reading ]

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