letteth out water by making ever so small a hole or fissure in a dam, or in the bank of a reservoir, such as Solomon himself constructed (Ecclesiastes 2:6).

"aggeribus ruptis cum spumeus amnis

Exiit, oppositasque evicit gurgite moles,

Fertur in arva furens cumulo, camposque per omnes

Cum stabulis armenta trahit." Virg. Aen. ii. 496 499.

be meddled with The Heb. word occurs only here and in Proverbs 18:1; Proverbs 20:3, in which places the rendering of A.V. is: be meddled with, intermeddleth with, will be meddling. We must, however, render, there be quarrelling, R.V. or, it waxeth warm, Gesen.

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