doth safely trust in her Or, trusteth in her, R.V. "The very first item in the catalogue of good qualities is the rarest of all: -the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her." The husband in nine cases out of every ten does not feel very confident that -she will do him good and not evil," and he sets a jealous watch over her, and places every valuable article under lock and key. His heart trusts more in hired guards and iron locks than in his wife." Thomson, Land and Book.

so that he shall have no need of spoil Rather: and, as a consequence, shewing that his trust is not misplaced, he shall have no lack of gain, R.V. "Heb.; spoil," R.V. margin. Comp. "we shall fill our houses with spoil" (same Heb. word) Proverbs 1:13. The gain which accrues to him from her thrift and industry shall be as rich as spoil.

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