What This word thrice repeated finds its sufficient explanation in the yearning earnestness of a mother's heart. The LXX. expand it, "What, my son, shalt thou keep? What? the sayings of God." Similarly Maurer and Rosenmuller, "What shall I say unto thee? With what precepts shall I be able sufficiently to instruct and inform thee, so that thou mayest be truly wise and mayest rule well thy kingdom?"

son of my vows "For whom I have made so many vows, if I might bring thee safely into the world, and rightly educate thee." Maur. Comp. 1 Samuel 1:11.

The word here used for son is not the usual Heb. word, ben(as in Benjamin), but the Aramaic word bar(as in Bar-jona, Bar-Jesus); and this Aramaism is in keeping with other dialectic peculiarities of this Section of this Book.

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