The LXX. addition to this verse is interesting, both as illustrating their tendency to gloss, and also because it exhibits the bee in a favourable light, as an example of industry and wisdom, whereas, unless we regard it as latent in the use of the word as a proper name (Deborah, Judges 4:4), that character of the insect is never referred to by the O.T. writers, who were familiar with it only in its wild state, and had no opportunity of watching its habits, but only noticed its vindictiveness in attacking men (Psalms 118:12; Isaiah 7:18).

Their addition is:

"Or, go to the bee, and learn what a work woman she is,

And how comely she makes her work,

Whose labours kings and common people gather to them,

And she is desired and had in honour of all men for health;

And though she be weak in strength of body,

Yet through her honouring wisdom is she advanced."

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