Let my prayer be set forth Lit. be prepared, set in order. The same word is used of the service of the Temple in 2 Chronicles 29:35; 2Ch 35:10; 2 Chronicles 35:16. Or, be presented, avail.

incense Either the daily offering of incense by the priests upon the altar of incense (Exodus 30:7-8), or the -sweet smoke" from the azkârâor -memorial," the portion of the meal-offering which was mixed with oil and frankincense and burnt upon the altar (Leviticus 2:2, see note on the title of Psalms 38), may be meant. But in the only other passage in the Psalter in which the word -incense" (q'tôreth) is used (Psalms 66:15), it denotes the -sweet smoke" of the sacrifice generally; and as in the next line the Psalmist mentions the evening oblation or meal-offering, he may be thinking of the burnt-offering of which the meal-offering was the accompaniment.

the lifting up of my hands The gesture of prayer (Psalms 28:2; Psalms 63:4; 1 Timothy 2:8), the outward symbol of an uplifted heart (Psalms 25:1).

as the eveningoblation] Minchâhproperly denotes the oblation or meal-offering which accompanied the daily burnt-offering (Exodus 29:38-42); but it may be used here to include the whole of the evening sacrifice (cp. 2 Kings 16:15; Ezra 9:4-5; Daniel 9:21); or the burnt-offering may have been already alluded to (see preceding note) by the word -incense."

The eveningsacrifice may be specially named because the Psalmist was in the habit of praying at that time (cp. Daniel 9:21), and composed the Psalm for use as an evening Psalm.

The sweet smoke of the sacrifice or of incense rising towards heaven was a natural symbol of prayer ascending to God. Cp. Revelation 5:8, where incense represents the prayers of the saints; and Revelation 8:3-4, where the angel adds incense to the prayers of the saints. It would seem that the Psalmist lived at a time when the daily sacrifice was suspended, or at a distance from Jerusalem; but he had learnt that he could approach God as truly in prayer as if he were assisting at the daily sacrifice. Cp. Malachi 1:11. For the correspondence of prayer and sacrifice cp. Proverbs 15:8; Hosea 14:2; Psalms 19:14, note.

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