An imitation of Isaiah 40:26; Isaiah 40:28. Jehovah's omniscience and omnipotence are partly a ground for praise, partly an encouragement to trust Him. Cp. Psalms 146:6. He who knows each separate star will not lose sight of one single Israelite.

He telleth&c. Either simply, he counteth the number of the stars, which to man seem innumerable (Genesis 15:5): or, he appointeth a number for the stars, i.e. as in Isaiah 40:26, "he bringeth out their host by number," marshals them in order like a well disciplined army.

he calleth them allby their names He giveth them all names; i.e. He knows them individually. The original passage in Isaiah 40:26, "calleth them all by name," taken in connexion with the preceding clause, means rather that He summons them as the soldiers of an army are summoned when the roll is called.

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