with the timbrel and dance See on Psalms 149:3. The P.B.V. cymbalsseems to be a slip of Coverdale's, which was not corrected in the Great Bible, as he renders tôphcorrectly by tabret, i.e. a small drum, in Psalms 149:3.

with stringed instruments andpipes] The word minnîm, -stringed instruments," occurs in Psalms 45:8 (R.V.): the ugâbh, mentioned in Genesis 4:21; Job 21:12; Job 30:31, was probably the syrinxor Pan's-pipes, a wind instrument consisting of a collection of reeds or pipes. See Stainer, Music of the Bible, Ch. vi. The two terms may include string and wind instruments generally, as "harp and pipe" in Genesis 4:21; and as the words are not elsewhere used in connexion with religious ceremonies, they may be meant to suggest that all instruments, secular as well as sacred, should be enlisted in this service of praise. The A.V. organsfollows the LXX and Vulg.

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