everything that hath breath Heb. all breath, Vulg. omnis spiritus, Jer. omne quod spirat. Cp. Deuteronomy 20:16; Joshua 10:40. Neshâmâhmost commonly denotes the breath of man; but it may include all animals. Not priests and Levites only but all Israel, not Israel only but all mankind, not all mankind only but every living thing, must join in the chorus of praise. The universe is Jehovah's Temple, and all its inhabitants should be His worshippers.

The Psalmist's words find their echo in the vision of the Apocalypse:

"Every created thing which is in the heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and on the sea, and all things that are in them, heard I saying,

"Unto him that sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb, be the blessing, and the honour, and the glory, and the dominion, for ever and ever."

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