from men of the world Men whose aims and pleasures belong to the -world that passeth away": those who in N.T. language are -of the world" (John 15:19), -sons of this age" (Luke 16:8; Luke 20:34-35), -who mind earthly things" (Philippians 3:19). They are further described as those whose portion is in [this] life. Jehovah Himself is the portion of the godly (Psalms 16:5); these men are content with a portion of material and transitory things. See Psalms 49:6 ff.; Psalms 73:3 ff.; Wis 2:6 ff. The sense is still better given by the rendering of R.V. marg., From men whose portion in life is of the world. God deals with them according to their own base desires. They care only for the satisfaction of their lower appetites (Philippians 3:19), and so He "who maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good" fills their belly with His store of blessings, gratifies the animal part of their nature (Job 22:18; Luke 16:25).

They are fullof children Better, They are satisfied with sons, the universal desire of men in Oriental countries being to see a family perpetuating their name (Job 21:8; Job 21:11); and leave their superabundance to their children; their prosperity continues through life, they have enough for themselves and to spare for their families.

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