
Even the God that executed vengeance for me,

And subdued peoples under me.

Vengeance is the prerogative of God (Psalms 94:1); it is His vindication of the righteousness and integrity of His servants. Such a thanksgiving as this does not shew a spirit of vindictiveness in David, but is a recognition that God had -pleaded his cause," and maintained the right. God had avenged him for the cruel injustice of Saul (1 Samuel 24:12); for the contemptuous insults of Nabal (1 Samuel 25:39); for the factious opposition of those who refused to acknowledge him as king in spite of his Divine call (2 Samuel 4:8).

The second line of the verse refers, like Psalms 18:43, to success in overcoming internal as well as external opposition to his rule. Cp. Psalms 144:2. It is not, however, the boast of a triumphant despot, but the thanksgiving of a ruler who recognised the vital importance of union for the prosperity of Israel, and knew that the task of reconciling the discordant elements in the nation was beyond his own unaided powers.

For subdueth2 Sam. has -bringeth down."

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