be acceptable An expression borrowed from the laws of sacrifice. See Leviticus 1:3-4 (R.V.); cp. Exodus 28:38. Prayer, "uttered or unexpressed," is a spiritual sacrifice. Cp. Psalms 141:2; Hosea 14:2.

The P.B.V., be always acceptable, is from the LXX. The Heb. for alwayswould be tâmîd. If this word may be restored to the text on the authority of the LXX, it would suggest a reference to the daily sacrifice which was to be offered continually(Exodus 29:38 ff.), and in later times was called the Tâmîd.

my strength&c. My rock (see on Psalms 18:2), and my redeemer, delivering me from the tyranny of enemies and the bondage of sin, as He delivered Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Cp. Exodus 15:13; Isaiah 63:9.

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