and shall&c. And they shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born; i.e. to the next generation. From one generation to another the tradition of Jehovah's righteousness, of His faithfulness to His covenant, will be handed down.

that he hath donethis] Or as R.V., that he hath done it. The object is not expressed. Cp. Psalms 37:5 (which combines Psalms 22:8; Psalms 22:31); Psalms 52:9; Psalms 119:126; Isaiah 44:23; Numbers 23:19; Numbers 23:23. " Genesis 28:15 unites the first and last lines of the Psalm." Kay. He has wrought out His purpose of salvation, interposed on His servant's behalf, proved Himself the living righteous and true God.

The song of praise, begun by the Psalmist (Psalms 22:22), is taken up by Israel; all the nations of the earth swell the chorus; and the strain echoes on through all the ages. So gloriously ends the Psalm which began in the darkest sorrow. Per crucem ad lucem. It is a parable of the history of the individual, of Israel, of the Church, of the world.

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