Psalms 23 - Introduction

The grateful praise of Jehovah (i) as the Good Shepherd who tends (Psalms 23:1), and guides (Psalms 23:3) the Psalmist, providing for every want, and protecting him in every danger: (ii) as the bountiful host (Psalms 23:5), who entertains the Psalmist as his guest with gracious liberality. The Psal... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:1

_The Lord_is _my shepherd_ How natural a figure in a pastoral country, and for the shepherd-king, if the Psalm is his! Jehovah is often spoken of as the Shepherd of Israel, and Israel as His flock, especially in the Psalms of Asaph. See Psalms 74:1; Psalms 77:20; Psalms 78:52; Psalms 78:70 ff.; Psal... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:2

The figure of the shepherd is expanded. He makes his flock lie down in the noontide heat (Song of Solomon 1:7) _in pastures of tender grass_. For this picture of the shepherd's care cp. Jeremiah 33:12. _He leadeth me_ The word suggests the idea of _gentle guidance_(Isaiah 40:11); sometimes of sustai... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:3

_He restoreth my soul_ Renews and sustains my life. Cp. Psalms 19:7, note. Not as P.B.V. (after the LXX and Vulg.) _he shall convert my soul_. _he leadeth me_ R.V., he guideth me: a word often used of God's guidance of His people collectively (Exodus 15:13; Deuteronomy 32:12), and individually (Psa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:4

The figure of the shepherd is still continued. "The sheep districts [in Palestine] consist of wide open wolds or downs, reft here and there by deep ravines, in whose sides lurks many a wild beast, the enemy of the flocks" (Tristram, _Nat. Hist_. p. 138). Even in such a dismal glen, where unknown per... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:5

_in the presence of mine enemies_ Or, adversaries, as in Psalms 6:7. The mark of favour is public and unmistakable. _thou anointest_ R.V., thou hast anointed. The reference is to the unguents and perfumes which were the regular accompaniment of an Oriental banquet (Amos 6:6; Psalms 45:7; Psalms 92:... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:5,6

The figure is changed. Jehovah is now described as the host who bountifully entertains the Psalmist at his table, and provides him with a lodging in his own house, as Oriental monarchs entertained those to whom they wished to shew special favour. See Gen 43:16; 2 Samuel 9:7 ff; 2 Samuel 19:33; 1 Kin... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 23:6

_Surely_ Or, as R.V. marg., only. Nothing but goodness and mercy _shall pursue me_. What a contrast to the lot of the wicked man, pursued by the angel of judgment (Psalms 35:6), hunted by calamity (Psalms 140:11). _And I will dwell_ The text as it stands would mean, _and I will return_[to dwell] _in... [ Continue Reading ]

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