The A.V. gives the general sense fairly. But the text as it stands must be rendered:

Unto thee my heart hath said:

-Seek ye my face"; -Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek."

In prayer from his innermost heart the Psalmist pleads the invitation which Jehovah addresses to His people, Seek ye my face; and responds to it on his own behalf, Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek. The construction is bold, but finds a parallel in Job 42:3-5, where in Psalms 27:3 a, Psalms 27:4 Job quotes the Lord's words, and in Psalms 27:3 b, Psalms 27:5 answers them. We need not assume a reference to any particular passage (e.g. Deuteronomy 4:29). The invitation is the sum of all revelation. Cp. Matthew 7:7 ff.

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