the glory due unto his name Lit. the glory of his name, particularising the general idea of glory in Psalms 29:1. The glory of his nameis His glory as He reveals Himself in the world (Psalms 5:11 note); here, as the context shews, especially in Nature.

in the beauty of holiness Suggestive as this rendering is, it can hardly be right; and the true sense is that given in R.V. marg., in holy array. Cp. Psalms 96:9 (1 Chronicles 16:29); 2 Chronicles 20:21 (R.V. marg.); Psalms 110:3. The ideas of earth are transferred to heaven. As the priests in the earthly temple were clothed in "holy garments for glory and for beauty" (Exodus 28:2), so even the ministrants in the heavenly temple must be arrayed befittingly.

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