The Psalm begins by repeating the call to praise with which the preceding Psalm closed, and recites the grounds on which Jehovah is worthy to be praised. It stands here as an answer to the invitation of Psalms 32:11, an example of the "songs of deliverance" spoken of in Psalms 32:7. Yet it differs widely in character from Psalms 32. That Psalm is an instruction based upon a particular personal experience; this is a congregational hymn of praise, arising (if indeed any special event inspired it) out of some national deliverance.

Contrary to the general rule in Book 1 (Introd. p. liii), it has no title in the Hebrew, though the LXX ascribes it to David.

It may commemorate some national deliverance from heathen enemies (Psalms 33:10; Psalms 33:16ff.), but it is impossible to fix its date or occasion. It does not, like 147, which has many points of resemblance to it, contain clear references to the Restoration. There are echoes of it in Psalms 144, partly in later language.

The structure is symmetrical. To the introductory call to praise (Psalms 33:1-3) corresponds the concluding profession of trust in Jehovah (Psalms 33:20-22). Between these comes the main body of the Psalm, reciting the grounds upon which Jehovah is worthy of praise and trust. This falls into two equal parts, i. Generally, He is to be praised for His moral attributes (Psalms 33:4-5), for His creative Omnipotence (Psalms 33:6-9), for His sovereign rule (Psalms 33:10-11). ii. Specially, He is to be praised for His choice and care of His people in the midst of the nations (Psalms 33:12-15); material force is a delusion (Psalms 33:16-17), but He is the sure Protector of His people (Psalms 33:18-19). Psalms 33:4-19 are arranged in couplets or in quatrains.

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