Psalms 35 - Introduction

Relentless enemies are seeking the Psalmist's life. Their hostility is groundless, and its maliciousness is aggravated by their ingratitude. He appeals to Jehovah to do him justice and deliver him. Each of these points is strikingly illustrated by the narrative of David's persecution by Saul. (1)... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:1

_Plead_my cause] There is as it were a suit between him and his enemies. He appeals to Jehovah the Judge to do him justice (cp. Psalms 35:23). But the court in which the cause is to be tried is the field of battle; and therefore (dropping the figure of a suit) he calls on Jehovah to arm on his behal... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:2,3

-Anthropomorphic" language of remarkable boldness, expanding the idea of Jehovah as "a man of war" (Exodus 15:3: cp. Deuteronomy 32:41 f.). _shield and buckler_ See note on Psalms 5:12. The mention of both together is part of the poetical picture. _stand up for mine help_ Rather, Arise as my help.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:4

Ashamed and dishonoured he they that seek my life; Turned back and confounded be they that devise my hurt. For _that seek my life_(or, _soul_) cp. 1 Samuel 20:1; &c. Let them be disappointed in their aim, repulsed with ignominy in their attack. Cp. Psalms 35:26; Psalms 40:14; Psalms 6:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:4-6

Prayer for the repulse and rout of his enemies. No doubt the language might be entirely figurative, but it is more naturally explained if a literal fulfilment was at least a possibility.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:5,6

Let them be as chaff before the wind, The angel of Jehovah thrusting them down. Let their way be all dark and slippery, The angel of Jehovah pursuing them. A terrible picture of a pell-mell rout. Does it not read like a recollection of some incident in a warrior's life, perhaps some defeat of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:7

The word for _pit_must be transposed from the first line, where it is superfluous and awkward, to the second line, where it is required. Render For without cause have they hid a net for me: Without cause have they dug a pit for my soul (_life_). The metaphors from the hunter's nets and pitfalls e... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:8

Let his mischief recoil upon his own head. Cp. Psalms 7:15; Psalms 9:15; Psalms 57:6; and with the first line cp. Isaiah 47:11. Does the singular individualise each one of the enemies, or particularise one above all the rest, or speak of them collectively in the mass? It is less easy to decide here... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:10

_All my bones_ The bodily frame feels the thrill of joy as it feels the pain of sorrow. Cp. Psalms 51:8; and see note on Psalms 6:2. _who_is _like unto thee_ Incomparable for power and goodness. Cp. Exodus 15:2; Micah 7:18. _the poor_ The afflicted, often coupled with _the needy_(Psalms 37:14; Psa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:11

_False witnesses_ Rather, unrighteous, or, malicious, witnesses rise up; lit., _witnesses of violence_, as in Exodus 23:1; Deuteronomy 19:16. Cp. Psalms 27:12 (A.V. _cruelty_). _they laid to my charge_&c. R.V. they ask of me things that I know not: calling me to account for crimes, of which I have n... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:11-18

The causelessness of the Psalmist's persecution and the ingratitude of his persecutors are urged as reasons for God's interference on his behalf.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:12

_They rewarded_&c. Better, as R.V., they reward. As in the preceding verse he speaks of what is still going on. His enemies are guilty of the basest ingratitude. Cp. Psalms 38:20; Psalms 109:5; Proverbs 17:13. Saul confessed that he had treated David thus (1 Samuel 24:17 ff.). to _the spoiling of m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:13

The -good" he had done to them. His sympathy when they were in trouble was no mere formality. He prayed for their recovery, humbling himself before God with mourning and fasting (Psalms 69:10-11; 2 Samuel 12:16; Joel 2:12), that their sin might be forgiven and their sickness removed. _humbled_ R.V.,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:14

Better with R.V. I behaved myself as though it had been my friend or my brother: I bowed down mourning, as one that bewaileth his mother. Had they been his nearest and dearest, he could not have displayed deeper grief. The verse would be improved by a slight transposition (which is supported by P... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:15

But at my halting they rejoice, and gather themselves together. Limping, like stumbling, is a figure for misfortune. Cp. Psalms 38:17; Jeremiah 20:10. Yea, _the abjects_ The word rendered _abjects_is of doubtful meaning and possibly corrupt. (1) According to the rendering of A.V., retained by R.V.,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:16

Like (less probably, _among_) the profanest of mocking parasites they gnash &c.; a gesture of rage, as though they would devour their victim (Psalms 35:25). The obscure phrase in the first line is generally explained to mean _mockers for a cake_, buffoons who purchase entertainment for themselves by... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:17

_wilt thou look on_ Lit. _wilt thou see_, as in Psalms 35:22, and not interfere. A.V. gives the sense rightly. _rescue my soul_ Restore, lit., _bring back_, my life, for it is all but lost. _my darling_ Lit. _my only one_, i.e. my precious life. See on Psalms 22:20. _The lions_are his savage perse... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:18

Another parallel to Psalms 2 2vv22, 25. Cp. Psalms 40:9-10. _much people_ Or, _a mighty people_(R.V. marg.). The publicity of the thanksgiving is the point.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:19

_wrongfully_ Lit., _falsely_(Psalms 38:19; Psalms 69:4); the grounds they allege for their enmity being untrue. neither _let them wink_ The insertion of the negative is grammatically justifiable, and probably right; though the clause may also be rendered, _they wink_&c., describing the confederates... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:20

Their conduct is just the opposite of -the fear of the Lord" (Psalms 34:13-14). _For it is not peace that they speak, but against them that are quiet in the land they imagine words of guile_, accusing them of being -troublers of Israel" and disturbers of the peace.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:21

And they open … a gesture of contempt (Isaiah 57:4), rather than of murderous intent (Psalms 35:25): they say, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen: seen its desire, seen the fall of the man whose rise excited our envy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:22

He turns their taunt into a plea: Thou hast seen, O Jehovah. Cp. Psalms 35:17, note. _keep not silence_ The same word as in Psalms 28:1, where R.V. renders, _be not thou deaf unto me_. With _be not far from me_, cp. Psalms 22:11; &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:23

Arouse and awake for my judgement, _O my God and my Lord, for my cause._ Interpose to do me justice, and defend my cause. Cp. Psalms 35:1, and see note on Psalms 7:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:24

_Judge me_ Do me justice. Cp. Psalms 7:8; and for the plea, _according to thy righteousness_, see Psalms 7:17; Psalms 31:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:25

_Ah, so would we have it_ Lit. _Aha, our desire!_ We have swallowed him up Destroying every trace of his existence. Cp. Psalms 124:3; Proverbs 1:12; Lamentations 2:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:27

Cp. Psalms 40:16. _that favour my righteous cause_ Lit. _that delight in my righteousness;_that welcome the vindication of my innocence. _which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant_ More exactly, which delighteth (2 Samuel 15:26; Psalms 18:19; Psalms 22:8) in the welfare (lit. _peace_) o... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 35:28

_shall speak_ - _Shall speak musingly_, in the low murmur of one entranced by a sweet thought." _Cheyne_. _of thy righteousness_ For Jehovah's righteousness (Psalms 35:24) will have been manifested in delivering His servant. _all the day long_ -Tota die Deum laudare quis durat? Suggero remedium, u... [ Continue Reading ]

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