Abundantly hast Thou wrought, even Thou, O Jehovah my God,

Thy marvellous works and Thy thoughts to us-ward:

There is none to be compared unto Thee.

Multa fecisti tu Domine Deus meus mirabilia tua et cogitationes tuas pro nobis. Jerome. Thouis emphatic. Jehovah is contrasted with all such objects of reliance as those mentioned in the preceding verse. His -marvellous works" (Psalms 9:1 note) are the embodiment of His -thoughts" or purposes of love toward His people. Cp. Psalms 92:5; Isaiah 55:8-9; Jeremiah 29:11. The rendering of R.V. marg., there is none to be compared unto thee, an exclamation of reverent wonder (cp. Psalms 89:6; Psalms 71:9), is decidedly preferable to that of the A.V., and that of R.V. text, they cannot be set in order unto thee. The P.B.V. and yet there is no man that ordereth them unto thee(cp. Isaiah 40:14) is improbable.

they are moe than can be numbered Or, than I can tell of(Psalms 26:7). Moeas the comparative of manyis an archaism which has disappeared from modern editions of the Bible. The word for they are moremay mean they are mightier. Their number and their greatness alike baffle human powers to celebrate. Cp. John 21:25.

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