Psalms 47 - Introduction

This Psalm is an expansion of the thought of Psalms 46:10. Zion's King is the true -great King" (Psalms 48:2), the King of all the earth. All nations are summoned to pay homage to the God who has proclaimed and proved His supremacy by His recent triumph over the heathen. The occasion of the Psalm wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:1

_all ye people_ Render all ye peoples, here and in Psalms 47:3_; Psalms 47:9a_. It is the nations of the world who are addressed. They are summoned to salute Jehovah, as a new king was saluted on his accession, with clapping of hands (2 Kings 11:12) and shouting (1 Samuel 10:24). Cp. Numbers 23:21,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:1-4

A summons to all nations to acknowledge Jehovah as their King. He has proved His sovereignty by subjecting the nations to His own people and assigning to it the choicest land for its inheritance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:2

We may also render as in R.V. marg., For the Lord is most high (and) terrible, or better still, For Jehovah, the Most High, the terrible, Is a great King over all the earth, for the universal sovereignty of Jehovah is the prominent thought of the Psalm. He is not merely King of Israel (Psalms 4... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:3,4

It is difficult to decide what is the exact force of the tenses in these verses. The most probable rendering (see Driver's _Tenses_, §§ 83 f., 173) appears to be either (1). He subdued the peoples under us … He chose our inheritance for us; referring to the settlement of Israel in Canaan as a proof... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:5

_God is gone up_ He must therefore have previously -come down." God is said to -come down" when He manifests His presence by active interposition in the affairs of the world. (Genesis 11:5; Genesis 11:7; Isaiah 31:4; Isaiah 64:1; Isaiah 64:3). He is said to -go up," when, His work over, He as it wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:7

_with understanding_ So the LXX, Vulg., and Jer. But better as R.V. marg., in a skilful psalm, Heb. _Maschil_. See _Introd_. p. xix.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:8

God hath proclaimed himself king over the nations, God hath taken his seat upon his holy throne. The verbs express not merely a fact but an act. God was King, but He has given fresh proof of it. He has caused Himself to be acknowledged King, and taken His seat upon His throne to judge and rule (Ps... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 47:9

In the spirit of prophecy the Psalmist beholds the realisation of the hope expressed in Psalms 47:1. The nations acknowledge Jehovah's sovereignty. Cp. Psalms 102:22. As the representatives of the nations which they rule, _the princes of the peoples are gathered together_to Jerusalem to pay homage t... [ Continue Reading ]

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