Evening, and morning, and at noon Eveningstands first because the day began at sunset. A reference to stated hours of prayer (cp. Daniel 6:10; Acts 10:9; Acts 10:30) is hardly to be found in so natural an expression for "continuing stedfastly in prayer."

will I pray, and cry aloud R.V., will I complain and moan. Cp. Psalms 55:2.

and he shall hear By an idiom which cannot be translated, the Psalmist speaks of this hearing as a present fact. So in Psalms 55:18 he uses the -perfect of certainty," He hath redeemed, for the context makes it clear that deliverance has not actually reached him. In peacedenotes the result: delivered me and placed me in safety.

from the battlethat was against me Better, with the Ancient Versions, that they should not come nigh me.

for there were many with me According to this rendering the words may refer to the hosts of angels sent for his succour (2 Kings 6:16; Psalms 34:7); but the R.V. is doubtless right in rendering, for they were many (that strove) with me.

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