They that lie in wait for me would swallow me up [or, crush me] all the day long:

For many are they that fight against me haughtily.

For they that lie in wait for mesee note on Psalms 54:5. The word rendered O thou most Highin A.V. is not Elyôn, the word usually so rendered (e.g. Psalms 57:2), but mârôm. This word is applied to God, as in Micah 6:6, "the high God," Psalms 92:8, "Thou, O Lord, art on high for evermore:" but it can hardly stand by itself as a vocative, and probably means -with a high hand," -haughtily." Cp. Psalms 73:8. -Be thou exalted" in Psalms 57:5; Psalms 57:11 is derived from the same root. The Psalmist prays that God will prove His own supreme exaltation against these self-exalted braggarts. P.B.V. are in hand= are busying themselves.

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