I will cry&c. I will call unto God Most High. Cp. Psalms 55:16; Psalms 56:9. The combination Elôhîm Elyonoccurs only here and in Psalms 78:56; it is the Elohistic equivalent of Jehovah Elyon(Psalms 7:17; cp. Psalms 47:2; Psalms 83:18; Psalms 97:9). El Elyonoccurs in Psalms 78:35 (cp. Psalms 73:11); Genesis 14:18 ff. The Psalmist appeals to God first as the -Most High" (see Appendix, Note ii), a name which implies God's power to help him, as the supreme Ruler of the world; and then as God(El) that performethall things for me, a title which implies His willingness to help His servant now as heretofore. Here as in Psalms 138:8, the object of the verb is left to be supplied (cp. Psalms 52:9). He will perform all that needs to be performed. Cp. Philippians 4:19.

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