The first two lines (cp. Psalms 62:9 a, Psalms 62:11 a, b) are a rhythmical division of what is logically one sentence: put not vain trust in oppression and robbery." Do not rely, for you will only be deceived, upon wealth and material resources amassed by violence and wrong, instead of trusting in God (Psalms 62:8). It is a warning against the old temptation to follow might rather than right. -Oppression and robbery" are often coupled. See Leviticus 6:2; Leviticus 6:4; Ezekiel 22:29; and cp. Isaiah 30:12.

if riches increase&c. Lit. if riches grow, pay no regard. The Psalmist addresses those who were in danger of being tempted to covet the power which wealth brings, no matter what might be the means used for obtaining it. There are indications that social discontent was a factor in the momentary success of Absalom's rebellion (Psalms 4:6).

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