When Saul was seeking David's life, Jonathan went to him secretly, and "strengthened his hand in God" (1 Samuel 23:16); and when David's followers in a fit of blind exasperation threatened to stone him, he "strengthened himself in Jehovah his God" (1 Samuel 30:6). In the face of treacherous plots against his honour and perhaps his life, when his followers are in danger of being carried away by the power of position and wealth, this Psalmist "strengthens himself in God." With triumphant reiteration he dwells upon the thought of all that God is to him his rock, his strong rock, his high tower, his refuge, his salvation, his hope; and with this trust in God he contrasts the folly of trusting to man and material resources, and the futility of opposing the will of God.

The trustful confidence and courage of the Psalm is worthy of David. If it is his, it may best be referred to the time of Absalom's rebellion. It has affinities with Psalms 4, which seems to belong to that time. We might indeed have expected more definite allusions to the rebellion; but at any rate the situation of the Psalmist is not wholly dissimilar. Unscrupulous and hypocritical enemies are seeking to depose him from a position of dignity (3, 4); he has a party of followers to whom he can appeal (8), but some of them, in common with many others who are still wavering, are in danger of being seduced by the show of power and the fair promises of his enemies (cp. Psalms 4:6).

Like Psalms 39 to which it has several points of resemblance, though the situation is wholly different, this Psalm has the name of Jeduthun in the title, but with a different preposition, which seems to mean after the manner of Jeduthun (R.V.), or possibly, set to some melody composed by or called after Jeduthun. Cp. the title of Psalms 77. Jeduthun, who appears to have been also called Ethan (1 Chronicles 15:17 ff), is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 16:41 f; Psalms 25:1 ff; 2 Chronicles 5:12; 2 Chronicles 35:15, along with Heman and Asaph, as one of the directors of the Temple music.

The structure of the Psalm is regular. It consists of three equal stanzas.

i. God alone is the Psalmist's defence. How long will his enemies plot to ruin him (Psalms 62:1-4)?

ii. With slight but significant variations the opening verses are repeated, and those who are on the Psalmist's side are exhorted to trust in God (Psalms 62:5-8).

iii. It is vain to trust in man and brute force and material wealth. God is a God of strength and love, which are manifested in the justice of His government (Psalms 62:9-12).

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