The A.V. transposes the clauses of this verse in a way which cannot be justified. Render:

In such wise have I gazed upon thee in the sanctuary,

To see thy strength and thy glory.

In such wise(-so") is explained to refer to Psalms 63:1 meaning -as my God," or -so fervently"; but this verse seems rather to give the ground and reason for the preceding verse: I pine for communion with Thee, because I have had such glorious visions of Thy presence in the sanctuary. There he has -gazed" upon God the word is used of an intent and discerning contemplation, specially of things divine (Psalms 27:4; Psalms 11:7; Psalms 17:15), and of prophetic -vision" (Isaiah 1:1) in order to realise His Majesty as it is revealed to man. The Ark was the symbol of God's Presence, of His strength and glory (1 Samuel 4:21; Psalms 24:7, note; Psalms 78:61; Psalms 132:8); and all the ordinances of the sanctuary possessed for him a sacramental meaning. It was thus that Isaiah -saw the Lord."

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