The Psalm begins with words taken from the priestly blessing of Numbers 6:24 ff:

"Jehovah bless thee and keep thee:

Jehovah cause his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee:

Jehovah lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace:" as the following Ps. begins with the invocation used when the Ark started on a journey, Numbers 10:35. Other echoes of the priestly blessing may be found in Psalms 4:6; Psalms 29:11; Psalms 31:16; Psalms 80:3; Psalms 80:7; Psalms 80:19.

God be merciful Rather, as in Numbers 6:25, be gracious unto us. Godis substituted for the original Jehovahaccording to the usual practice of the editor of the -Elohistic" collection of Psalms.

upon us Lit. with us. For the simple preposition of the original (untoor upon) the Psalmist substitutes one which suggests the thought of God's gracious favour abiding withHis people. Cp. "The blessing of God Almighty … be amongst you and remain with you always."

Selah(if it is in its right place) marks a musical interlude following upon and emphasising this echo of the priestly benediction. But it may have been accidentally transferred from the close of Psalms 67:2.

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