Then shall the earth&c. Render, The land hath yielded her increase, according to the promise of Leviticus 26:4; cp. Psalms 85:12; Psalms 65:9 ff. God, our God, is the Elohistic editor's substitution for Jehovah our God.

shall bless us Here and in the following verse the verbs might be taken as a prayer: may God bless us. But it is better to render dothor shall bless us.Pointing to the abundant harvest (Psalms 67:6 a), the thankful people declare that God is blessing them, and express their faith that He will continue to bless them, with the result that the remotest nations of the world will become -fearers of God," worshippers of the only true God, the God of Israel (Psalms 66:16).

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