They have seen The subject is significantly indefinite: it includes all men, who have been the spectators of the conflict between God and His enemies. Cp. Psalms 98:1-3; Isaiah 40:5.

thy goings The festal procession which celebrates God's victory on behalf of His people. He comes in triumph once more, as He came of old.

my King The title is significant. He has again placed Himself at the head of His people and victoriously manifested His sovereignty. Cp. Psalms 44:4; Psalms 74:12.

in the sanctuary R.V. into the sanctuary, retaining A.V. in the marg. The preposition implies His rest there after His entry. It is possible also to render as in Psalms 68:17, in holiness(R.V. marg. alt.). His triumph is the vindication of that holiness which is His supreme attribute and distinguishes all His action. Cp. Exodus 15:11; Psalms 77:13.

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